June 30-July 28, 2018 Day-by-Day Program of Study (tentative and subject to change)
WEEK 1: Museum Methods: Collection and Community
Sunday, June 30
Arrival of participants. Residence check in.
7:00 PM: Welcome dinner.
Monday, July 1
9:00 AM: Orientation tour of Georgetown University (campus, library, neighborhood, etc.)
10:30 AM: Opening lecture by Co-Directors Karen Bassi and Gretchen Henderson: “Museums: Humanities in the Public Sphere.” Introduction of participants and their projects.
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own, encouraging small groups*)
3:00 PM: Welcome by Dean Harriette Hemmasi, Dean of Georgetown’s Lauinger Library, & Visiting Faculty lecture by Steven Lubar: “Restraining the Collecting Impulse,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Steven Lubar (Group A*)
Tuesday, July 2
10:00 AM: Visit National Museum of African American History and Culture (with interim Director Spencer Crew)
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty Seminar by Steven Lubar: “Restraining the Collecting Impulse,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Reception (hosted by Georgetown’s Department of Art and Museum Studies with Lisa Strong, Director of AMUS, and Al Acres, Chair of Art History)
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Steven Lubar (Group B*)
Wednesday, July 3
10:00 AM: Visit to Lunder Conservation Lab (with Amber Kerr, Interim Chief of Conservation)
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty lecture by Elaine Heumann Gurian: “Public Spaces for Strangers,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Elaine Heumann Gurian (Group C*)
Thursday, July 4 (National holiday)
Participants free to explore Washington, DC and conduct their individual research. Smithsonian Museums are all open. Maps and public transportation options will be provided.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering (at Georgetown).
7:30 PM: Optional group dinner*
Friday, July 5
10:00 AM: Visiting Faculty seminar by Elaine Heumann Gurian: “Public Spaces for Strangers,” followed by discussion.
1:00 PM: Informal lunch with Elaine Heumann Gurian/Visiting Faculty (Group D*)
3:00 PM: Summary discussion session led by Co-Directors Bassi and Henderson (1-1/2 hours)
6:00 PM: Jazz in the Garden at the NGA (optional, dinner available for purchase/picnic)
WEEK 2: Museum Cultures: History and Memory
Monday, July 8
10:00 AM: Visit Holocaust Museum (with Visiting Faculty Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett)
12:30 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty lecture by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett: “Curating Between Hope and Despair,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett/Visiting Faculty (Group A*)
Tuesday, July 9
10:00 AM: Visit Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative with Corine Wegener, Cultural Heritage Preservation Officer
12:30 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty seminar by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett: “Curating Between Hope and Despair,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett/Visiting Faculty (Group B*)
Wednesday, July 10
10:00 AM: National Museum of the American Indian (with Paul Chaat Smith and Cécile R. Ganteaume, Associate Curators, and Visiting Faculty Amanda Cobb-Greetham)
12:00 PM: Chef’s Talk & Curated Tasting at Mitsitam Cafe at National Museum of the American Indian (with Chef Freddie Bitsoie)
3:30 PM: Visiting Faculty Lecture by Amanda Cobb-Greetham: “Indigenizing Museums and the Move Toward Decolonization,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Amanda Cobb-Greetham (Group C*)
Thursday, July 11
10:00 AM: Tour of the Library of Congress by Abby Yochelson, Reference Specialist
12:00 PM: Meeting with Shari Rosenstein Werb, Director of LOC’s Center for Learning, Literacy and Engagement
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty seminar by Amanda Cobb-Greetham: “Indigenizing Museums and the Move Toward Decolonization,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Summary discussion session by Co-Directors Bassi and Henderson (1-1/2 hours)
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Amanda Cobb-Greetham (Group D*)
Friday, July 12
10:00 AM: Tour of the Smithsonian Cultural Resources Center (Suitland, MD)
Afternoon: Participants free to conduct their individual research, visit museums, and work on presentations.
WEEK 3: Museums as Open Works: Diversity and Access
Monday, July 15
10:00 AM: Visit Freer|Sackler Smithsonian Museums of Asian Art for Lecture by Visiting Artist Darren Waterston and Curator Lee Glazer
12:30 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty lecture by Kurt Fendt: “Museums as Participatory Institutions,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Kurt Fendt (Group A*)
Tuesday, July 16
10:00 AM: Digital Humanities Workshop with Kurt Fendt (digital resources for teaching/research, preparing final presentations and consultations)
12:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty seminar by Kurt Fendt: “Museums as Participatory Institutions,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Reception (hosted by Julia Langley, Director of Georgetown University Medical Center’s Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program)
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Kurt Fendt/Visiting Faculty (Group B*)
Wednesday, July 17
11:00 AM-12:00 PM: “Museums and Media Labs” with Don Undeen, Manager of Georgetown Maker Hub
12:30 PM: Welcome on Georgetown Humanities Initiatives by Dean Christopher Celenza, Dean of Georgetown College, with Lunch
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty lecture by Amelia Wong: “The ‘Open’ Museum,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Amelia Wong (Group C*)
Thursday, July 18
10:00 AM: Digital Humanities Workshop with Amelia Wong (digital resources for teaching/research, preparing final presentations and consultations)
12:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
1:00 PM: Visit to Georgetown’s Booth Family Center for Special Collections: “Special Collections as Museums” with Curators Ethan Henderson and Lynn Conway
3:00 PM: Visiting Faculty seminar by Amelia Wong: “The ‘Open’ Museum,” followed by discussion.
6:00 PM: Summary discussion session led by Co-Directors Bassi and Henderson (1-1/2 hours)
7:30 PM: Informal dinner with Amelia Wong/Visiting Faculty (Group D*)
Friday, July 19
Participants free to conduct their individual research, visit museums, and work on presentations.
WEEK 4: Participant Colloquia and Concluding Seminars
Monday, July 22
9:00 – 12:00 PM: Participant colloquium A
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 – 6:00 PM: Participant colloquium B
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Dinner (on your own)
Tuesday, July 23
9:00 – 12:00 PM: Participant colloquium C
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 – 6:00 PM: Participant colloquium D
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Dinner (on your own)
Wednesday, July 24
9:00 – 12:00 PM: Participant colloquium E
1:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
3:00 – 6:00 PM: Participant colloquium F
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Dinner (on your own)
Thursday, July 25
1:00 PM: Lunch
3:00 – 6:00 PM: Concluding seminar and open discussion, led by Co-Directors Bassi and Henderson
6:00 PM: Informal pre-dinner gathering
7:30 PM: Farewell Dinner
Friday, July 26
Participants free to conduct research, work toward collaborative projects, and visit museums.
Saturday, July 27
Participants free to conduct research, work toward collaborative projects, and visit museums.
Sunday, July 28
Check out of housing.
* Please note, the NEH cannot pay for participant meals. These informal dinners are optional but highly encouraged. We will make reservations at moderately priced restaurants but participants will be responsible for paying for their own meals.